
Friday, May 21, 2010

KA-POW Punch and Mustache Straws

A great way to personalize drinks at your party is to make labels for individual sized drinks. A favorite amongst my children (and probably every other child I've ever met) are Little Hugs. You can find them at most grocery stores. I purchased mine on sale at Walmart for $2.89.

If you haven't seen them, here is what to look for -

Besides the fact that children love them, they are also a great way to prevent spills. When I buy them we poke a straw through the top instead of removing the lids.

Below are the Mario themed labels I made for our upcoming party. Feel free to print them out for yourself (print out as wallet size) or contact me if you'd like personalized labels for YOUR party.

*Scroll down after the labels to see how we Mario-ized our straws*

After labels are printed, cut out and glue onto each drink.

For the straws we added mustaches so that if you bend it just so as you drink it appears as if you have a mustache of your own. To make the mustaches I drew out one and then traced and cut out several more. I then folded each in half and cut two small lines to slip the straw through.

If you don't feel comfortable freehanding the mustaches, I did find this template that you could use. (You could also put double stick tape on the back of mustaches for your guests to wear or even create a pin the mustache on Mario game.)

I put my mustache straws in a small pot that I had painted green to be a pipe. Then I cut out Mario and Luigi faces and attatched to a k'nex toy in the middle of each one.

Items used and total cost of this project -

Little Hugs drinks - $2.89
Printed labels - $0
Glue - (already had) $0
Straws - (already had) $0
Black construction paper - (already had) $0
Small pots - (already had and fyi- from a thrift store for 10 cents!) $0
Paint - (already had) $0

Total Cost for 20 personalized drinks - $2.89

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