If you are planning a Mario Party or other Super Mario themed party this game is made for you. If you're not then this game is made for you to change up to fit your theme.
It is called Rumble Fumble and is inspired by this Mario Party 5 mini game -
In our party game version we have several Shy Guys and a few Bob-bombs hidden under A LOT of plastic cups. Many of the cups will have nothing under them at all. The cups will be all spread out in one area.
One member of each team will run out and start lifting up cups until they find either a Shy Guy or Bob-bomb.
If they find a Shy Guy they take it, run back to their team, place the Shy Guy in their team's basket and tag the next member.
If they find a Bob-bomb they leave it there, yell "Bob-bomb", and go tag the next member.
This continues until all Shy Guys are found. Whichever team has the most Shy Guys in their basket wins the game.
If you aren't doing a Super Mario theme just hide something else. For an under the sea theme you could have mermaids as the "good guys" and crabs as the "bad guys". For a bug party how about butterflies and worms. I could see it being a really good pirate theme party with gold coins or treasure chests and skull and cross bones.
You could also change up the game and just hide one of the "good guys" or not put any "bad guys". My husband suggested hiding little candies under some of the cups to "distract them" :)
If you are having a Mario theme or just want more information on this game, here is a step by step guide on how we made our party game version of Rumble Fumble.
First I found a picture of Shy Guy online and printed several of them out onto one page. I printed them in fast mode and in black and white as to not use up much ink.
Then we colored them in with markers.
I cut them all out leaving a bit of a white border. I leave a border a lot for two reasons. One reason is that I like the way it looks. The main reason though is that it makes is SO much easier to cut, no worries about cutting just right along the lines.
Next I gluesticked them all down onto yellow construction paper. I emphasive gluesticked because unless you are very careful glue is not a good match for markers, thin printer paper, or construction paper, let alone all three.
For my Bob-bombs I just traced circles onto black construction paper and let my son add the details with a white crayon. I decided to make 7 of them because that is how many fit onto this scrap of black paper that I had.
After the Shy Guys (with yellow border) and Bob-bombs were cut out, we taped toothpicks to the back of them so that we will be able to stick them into the grass. Be sure to cut off the sharp points!
That's all! Now we just need to stick them into the ground and put the cups over them on party day.
Here is the list of what was used and the cost of this game -
Printed Shy Guys $0
Markers (already had) $0
Construction paper Bob-bombs $0
White crayon (already had) $0
Toothpicks (from the cupboard) $0
Plastic cups
(used,rinsed out, and sprayed with antibacterial spray for good measure) $0
Total Cost - Zero dollars and zero cents :) Remember, just use what you have!
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